Wednesday, June 10, 2020

all about me

We were learning about pubilic vs private 

 I found it easy to make my profile 

 I found it challenging to make my profile a circle 

 Next time I will do my profile with poly line 


  1. Hello Ceejay
    that a awesome post I like how you made your face into a circle.
    hope you are playing soccer this year.
    you might need to polyline it next time.

    1. thank you Archie and yes i am playing soccer this year

  2. Hello Ceejay, the thing that stood out was how you added the light green for you box an having your backround light green and getting darker.
    When i read your post i learnt that you like soccer and rugby and your goal is to get outside more and be ready for school.
    mabe next time you could make your pichture polyline so we can see how good your polyline skills are. From Daniel.

    1. thank you daniel i will do that


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