Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Maginet car

 today in science my group and I were testing a magnet car. we found that the car could climb 2 books it could also jump climb and best of all it can go super fast. fun fact it goes faster down a ramp and it took in total it took 24 seconds for the magnet car to get across the basket ball court 

Brain box

 in science today my group and I were doing brain box. a type of science safe for kids with power electricity sound light and much more. for most of the time my group did not have the fuse to start the experiment there for our fan would not work. we tryed a lot of things but it would not work why? because we did not have the fuse. later on in the day we got the fuse for the batteries so we put the fan back together and put in the fuse and we and tested it. the fan was going so fast that the entire fan flew in the air.   

Monday, September 13, 2021

born to run word wall

We were learning about the evolution of the olympic games and running and how different it was before all the new training gear was even a thing. back in the day there was more effort needed to train. now days we just have to go to the shop and by the equipment that we will need. I found it easy to think of words that describe what to put on the word wall but I do think I could add more words on the word wall I found it hard to think of a good design to add to my background that would not blend in. I really enjoyed making a background that went well with my text and font Next time I will try add way more descriptive words

Monday, September 6, 2021

Dog man the LORD OF THE FLEAS by dav pilkey

 the past week I have been reading dog man lord of the fleas. its about a dog who's body was dying and a cop who's  head was dying so the put the dogs head on the cops body and sowed them together and now we have a hero name dog man. what they did with the body and the head but less about that and back to the story there was this villain named petey and he tried to clone him self but it back fired and made a kid version of petey. he put the kitten on the side of the road in a box labeled free kitty that's when the hero dog man showed up and took the kitten home and taught lil petey some things. later the next day a man shows up and tells dog man it is illegal to have a kid lil petey's age not going to school sooooooo lil petey went to school so they thought lil petey walks off with a complete stranger they walk further away then he took off the costume IT WAS PETEY.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

dog man

the past two days i've been reading this book called dog man for whom the ball rolls bye dav pilkey also the same creator that made captain under pants. the book is about a police dog that teams up with two cats to take down theses things called burgel balls. the burgel balls have a master who is a scientist well sorta? he programed the burgel balls to steal anything valuable like diamond rings or money and he got that and a few other things, like lollies gum and skate boards so he sends them off once again to get more valuable items. but little did he know the burgel balls had been destroyed the second time around by none other than DOG MAN! but they had no clue that the burgel balls master had a giant robot named the colossal bot 2000 and he planed on destroying dog man and the ratapiler... I like this book because there is a lot of drama and fighting I would rate this book 4 and and a half out of 5 stars to make it 5 stars don't make it 223 pages long I would definitely recommend this book to someone